Claudia HERR - mezzo soprano/meane (e-e3)
Diploma musician – singer
Diplome vocal and creativity coach
Business address:
UnterwasserOper UG [limited]
Claudia HERR
Seestrasse 79
D-15738 Zeuthen
phone +49 33762 946461
mobile +49 177 3624987
email claudia.herr@unterwasseroper.de
Banking details:
Postbank Berlin
UnterwaserOper UG
Kto: 88361105
BLZ: 10010010
IBAN: DE51100100100088361105
Website content liability according to paragraph 10 section 3 MDStV:
UnterwasserOper UG [limited]
Managing Director: Claudia HERR
Tax Number: 049/121/03884
VAT Ident-No: DE282232136
Claudia HERR - mezzo soprano/meane (e-e3)
Diploma musician – singer
Diplome vocal and creativity coach
Business address:
UnterwasserOper UG [limited]
Claudia HERR
Seestrasse 79
D-15738 Zeuthen
phone +49 33762 946461
mobile +49 177 3624987
email claudia.herr@unterwasseroper.de
Banking details:
Postbank Berlin
UnterwaserOper UG
Kto: 88361105
BLZ: 10010010
IBAN: DE51100100100088361105
Website content liability according to paragraph 10 section 3 MDStV:
UnterwasserOper UG [limited]
Managing Director: Claudia HERR
Tax Number: 049/121/03884
VAT Ident-No: DE282232136
Owner of www.unterwasseroper is Claudia HERR. All rights lie with the artist unless otherwise stated. The use of fotos, texts and music examples requires permission of the artist. Third-party rights remain untouched and are subject to their powel of control alone.
Trade mark rights
In case of suspected violation of trade mark rights, legal rights, regulations and information obligation through www.unterwasseroper.de please contact claudia.herr@unterwasseroper.deasap for prompt corrective actions. Thank you!